Music Ministries
Old Bethel offers a variety of music ministries that allows everyone, no matter their musical abilities, a chance to participate in leading worship on Sunday mornings. Whether you enjoy singing, ringing, or playing a musical instrument, there is definitely is a place for you. If you are interested in joining an ensemble, please contact Myrna Galbraith at

Chancel Choir
Our choir sings various styles of music not only for the 9:30 Traditional Worship service, but also for other special services as well. It is open to adults, middle and high school youth and being a talented vocalist is not necessary. We have a great time at rehearsal on Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 PM (August through May) in Wesley Hall. Please join us in singing praises to our Lord! Contact Myrna Galbraith.

Praise Team
Our Praise Team leads musical worship at the 11:00 Family Worship service. We sing contemporary music, including Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, Resurrection Band, etc. as well as rock out to some hymns! We improvise harmonies and play from lead sheets. If you can sing or play an instrument, we'd love for you to join us! Contact Praise Team Director, Books Caruthers.
Bells of Old Bethel is an established bell choir which rings for the 9:30 Traditional Worship once every four to six weeks. This choir is open to anyone who wants to play bells and chimes. We meet from September through May on Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 PM in Room S-9. Reading music is helpful, but not required. Contact Myrna Galbraith.